Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a snails pace

Chris came to visit (from Albuquerque) this weekend. He got here on Friday night, which happened to be the same night as the big semi truck fiasco on the 5. It took 4 hours to get from the Topanga Mall to Sylmar (where his hotel was) and back home. It should have taken, at most, 45 minutes.

Welcome to LA!

Then we dragged him to the dinner from hell on Saturday night and sat in traffic the whole way there.

To Venice Beach on Sunday...you guesses it, traffic.

We went to City Walk yesterday afternoon and surprisingly didn't hit any traffic!
So being the gluttons for punishment that we are, we decided to go to Barney's Beanery in Hollywood for dinner.


Thankfully we were there long enough to avoid rush hour going home.

But guess what time he left this morning. Go ahead, guess.


From LAX.

Right down the freaking 405 freeway. We had to leave at 8:00. Can we say RUSH HOUR???

I feel bad for him, he spent about 40% of his trip sitting in traffic.

Nobody should be allowed to book flights into or out of LAX between the hours of 6-11 am or 3-8 pm. It's just not fun for anyone involved.

1 comment:

SpooWriter said...

Ironically, the one and only time I've ever been in Albuquerque, it was bumper-to-bumper traffic at something like 2:00 in the morning (we were driving cross-country back from PA) due to road work on the freeway.

It was pitch dark, before the era of GPSs (not that I have one now either), Google Maps on your phone, and so forth.

So I followed the line of big rigs and prayed they knew where they were going.

(Also, what on Earth is Barney's Beanery? I tried googling it, but the site wasn't working.)