Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas stuff

I haven't posted in awhile. Partly because of the holidays and the fact the I've been super busy with everything, but mostly because even though I'm busy I never have anything interesting to say. How sad is that?

I read other people's blogs and it seems that they can turn even the most mundane happenings into enjoyable reading. Me, not so much. Here it is anyway.

I finally took the kids to the mall today to see Santa. Not the REAL Santa, as Gentry kept reminding me. "The real Santa is too busy to sit at the mall. This guy's just here for kids to take the picture."

I've been avoiding the mall, because I don't find it enjoyable during less busy times...and the Christmas shopping crowds do nothing to help. But it's been raining for a few days and the kids were going stir crazy so I figured we'd go. Thankfully we found a parking spot right away. But we found a sign when we got to Santa's spot that said "Santa is feeding his reindeer, he'll return at 2:00". It was only 1:15 but people were starting to line up. I decided we better join them but not till after we went to the San Francisco Cookie company and got some cookies to make the wait less painful :) I'm so glad we got in the line when we did. After about 10 more minutes 30 or more people were in it. By 2 it was ridiculous.
Anyway, the time passed rather quickly and the kids were well behaved and the icing on the cake was that this year the Santa actually looked like Santa.


Last year at our old mall the guy they had playing santa weighed maybe 160 lbs, was in his 30's and had black hair. And he was so not friendly! It was comical.
This Santa talked to the kids and asked them what they wanted and seemed to enjoy his job. The boys were happy. Their take on the whole thing is that the mall Santa knows the real Santa and will pass on the requests. Plus they sent letters to the north pole weeks ago. Hopefully they wont be too crushed when they get very little of what was on those outrageous lists! An Xbox 360? um, you're six. A Quad? not gonna happen. Drums? no no no no. I'm honestly not sure that they remember what they wrote anyway. Gentry wants EVERYTHING he sees advertised on tv.

My brother called yesterday to tell me that he bought himself a plane ticket to come out for Christmas. That was a nice surprise. I didn't think he was going to make it because he can only come for 3 days and the price of a ticket wasn't worth it. But he got a flight on Christmas morning for pretty cheap. Yay! The kids are soooo excited. They adore him. Hopefully he's not planning on seeing friends are going anywhere that kids can't go because I'm pretty sure they'll be glued to his side the whole time.

I hope it's not raining tomorrow. I have so much to do and I need the ol' "go outside and play" option!

1 comment:

SpooWriter said...

Apropos of nothing much at all, Patrick was devastated after the Northridge quake closed the "Cookie Place," as he still calls it. When the mall re-opened, he made me take him to the mall after summer school every other day to see if it had opened.